Extension & Research Centers

Washington State University reaches well beyond its physical campuses.  Through research and extension centers and offices present across the state, no matter the locations, the university continues its growth in sustainable operations and research.

Mt. Vernon

The WSU-Mount Vernon Research Center is located in the Skagit Valley of northwestern Washington. This region is well known for its scenic beauty, the Cascade Mountain Range, and Puget Sound. The center’s mission is to serve the agricultural, horticultural, and natural resource science interests of the state through research and extension activities that are enhanced by the unique conditions of northwestern Washington:  a mild marine climate, diverse small and mid-sized farming enterprises and close rural-urban interface.


The Washington State University, Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center (WSU-IAREC) is the focal point for the University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), and the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) research, extension, and plant certification programs that address the concerns of irrigated agriculture. An estimated two-thirds of the agricultural production in the state comes from irrigated land, making such research of vital interest to Washington’s economy, both for intrastate distribution and exportation.


The WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center provides research, technology, instruction, and outreach to improve agriculture, community well-being, and natural resources by bridging a land-grant mission to an increasingly urbanized Puget Sound region and beyond.


Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Spokane is a non-academic service department dedicated to establishing and maintaining a safe and health university community. EH&S provides training, consultation, and services in the areas of employee health and safety, public health, chemical waste disposal and cleanup.

Tri Cities

The Bioproducts, Sciences, and Engineering Laboratory (BSEL) provides space for critical research to advance research in identifying useful non-energy products that can be used to promote energy sustainability.
The collective goal at BSEL is to move science to industrial processes in a manner that improves energy security, reduces petroleum imports and decreases the impact of fuels on the environment. PNNL currently has approximately 60 issued and pending patents in the area of biobased processing (30 issued US patents, 19 issued in the last six years).


While crimson and gray are no doubt our favorite colors at WSU Vancouver, we also like green—both the shade that so gracefully blankets our campus and green’s relationship to the 21st century concept of sustainability. WSU Vancouver sustainability is not confined to a single department or discipline, it’s a value shared by faculty, staff and students alike. From storm water management to recycling our glass bottles in the Firstenburg Student Commons, Cougars take pride in protecting our campus, our community and the earth.