
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Spokane

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Spokane is a non-academic service department dedicated to establishing and maintaining a safe and health university community. EH&S provides training, consultation, and services in the areas of employee health and safety, public health, chemical waste disposal and cleanup.

EH&S Goals:

  • Provide and maintain an environment free from recognized hazards and minimize potential damage to human life, health, and the environment.
  • Continually improve programs and information designed to safeguard employees, students, and visitors from harm.
  • Minimize hazards to persons, buildings, and the environment by appropriately using, storing, and disposing of potentially hazardous substances.
  • Help departments ensure compliance with federal, state, regional, and local laws, statutes, and regulations related to health, safety, and environmental protection. Participate as an active member of the campus safety committee to raise issues, monitor compliance, and help resolve health and safety concerns on campus.